Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sarahorse Update June 2

Sarah's horse was 'out the gate' by the time the apprentice guild departed Lexington (well, Clintonville, actually) on June 2. Most of the designs, if not actually painted or drawn on 'El Bondo,' were at least taped to him so that she had an idea of the evental product.

You are probably wondering why he wears a 'halter' with the lead hanging down. It turned out to be a necessary 'heads-up' after we kept hurrying around from one side to the other and hitting our heads on his nose! Think red flag hanging off of pick-ups carrying oversized boards. Art can be hazardous to your health!

Bucky is the gentleman who plays "Post Call" before the horses go into the starting gate and the notes on El Bondo's tail actually are the notes for that famous herald trumpet call, only in the key of A! This was before Mike drew in the key signature. Ya just never know when someone might want to play a tune on a horse's tail.....maybe after a close basketball game at UK???

I love Sarah's rendition of a jockey weighing in and discovering he's 'off the scales.!' Note how he's tossed his saddle into the air in shock.

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